Join Our Online Groups!

LinkedIn Group: European Entrepreneurship & Innovation @ Silicon Valley. This companion group serves European and American (and other) entrepreneurs, venture investors, students, faculty, startup professionals, corporate executives, university and laboratory technology transfer offices, service providers, academics and government policy makers with an interest in European technology entrepreneurship and innovation, practised in Silicon Valley, northern California and/or Europe.
This group is managed as a supporting activity of the Stanford University School of Engineering's European Entrepreneurship and Innovation program. We will post lecture and other announcements to this group on a regular basis throughout the academic year.
Persons who are not currently members of LinkedIn will need to first set up a personal profile before they may join this group. There is no charge for creating a basic personal profile on LinkedIn, or for joining this group.

Facebook Group: European Entrepreneurship and Innovation @ Silicon Valley. This companion Stanford/Silicon Valley Facebook group is open to students, faculty, entrepreneurs, VCs and angel groups, corporate executives, government policy makers and other persons participating in — or generally interested in — the Stanford School of Engineering program on European Entrepreneurship and Innovation. We will post lecture announcements and photos to this group on a regular basis during the academic year.
This group is managed as a supporting activity of the Stanford University School of Engineering's European Entrepreneurship and Innovation program. We will post lecture and other announcements to this group on a regular basis throughout the academic year.
Persons who are not currently members of Facebook will need to first set up a personal profile before they may join this group. There is no charge for creating a basic personal profile on Facebook, or for joining this group.

Follow us on Twitter at "europreneurs". We use Twitter to send out reminders about our upcoming lectures and events at Stanford.